Welcome to the official online store of Karla Nemitz

About the artist

Karla was born and raised in the Central Valley of California, where she lived and worked on a farm with her parents. Upon completing her AA in Fine Arts at College of the Sequoias she still wanted to serve in the military like her mother and father. Instead of the United States Navy, she chose the Coast Guard.
Upon graduating boot camp she commissioned the USCGC Stratton, then went on to complete Electricians Mate A school and was stationed in Sault Ste. Marie, MI.
Unfortunate events led her to separate from the service in 2016, so she drove down south to Texas to be with her fiancé she met in the service.
For the next three years she worked as a construction electrician and started doing slice-of-life comics on the side along with USCG themed pinups. Karla volunteered at the Harlingen VA clinic where she made a great group of friends with a local rucking club. Every Saturday the Roadrunner Ruckers of South Texas would do a group ruck march. She assisted with three March in March events, a 22 hour long ruck march to bring awareness to veteran suicide. The significance of 22 being the average number of veterans that take their own lives each day.
This gave Karla a new purpose and meaning in life to help deal with her own personal demons she acquired while serving. She also expressed it in her comics, and illustrated a multi-page story of her assault she experienced in the USCG.
Since moving to Alaska she embraced a Libertarian way of thinking, and such views are expressed in her comics along with very pro 2A content.